To win tickets CLICK HERE to find our Smart Deals Extra flipbook here. Click on the book image and allow it load, then just flip the pages. Be the 3rd person to email with
price of Universal product on bottom of page 13 and the FREE item on top of page 26.
Its the first time ODU and NSU have met on any football field.
The Monarchs are the first team ever to make it to the playoffs in its 3rd year of play.
The event will also host the first battle of the ODU and NSU bands with each group given six minutes to play.
And Its the first time Hampton Roads has had this much reason to be proud of our local NCAA football programs. Coastal Office and Promo Products is very proud to be a supplier to ODU Sports Properties and NSU Athletics.
Tickets are sold out. The tailgate will be legendary. The game will be epic. Your chance to win tickets is a few clicks away.
Follow this blog by email or google for chances to win ODU Basketball tickets all season long.
(Ticket contestants CLICK HERE can find our Smart Deals Extra flipbook here. Click on the book image and allow it load, then just flip the pages.)