Friday, April 6, 2012

When You Know you are Post-It Crazy

       Post-its come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors by a few different manufacturers 3M, Avery and Universal to name a few. Now they come in electronic form on your Iphone or Android by an  App from 3M Post-it PopNotes found here. If you are anything like me, I have post its all over my office and at home and on the fridge to jog my memory that it needs to get done but not a specific time. I love the different colors and functions of a post it. I even decorated my office before and have thought of making a Post-it dress. Click here to Learn How to make a Post it Dress

    After following my addiction for Post-it notes, I have found some really neat artists that create images out of Post-it notes and I wanted to share a few with you.  A conceptual/installation artist, Rebecca Murtaugh, chose to turn her bedroom into a room full of post-it notes!  Would you be able to live in a room made out of post it notes. I am not sure the bed would be that comfortable.


How would you react to your JAGUAR covered with post it notes (not mention all the adhesive glue)? This practical prank was viewed all over the world including a documentary on ABC News.These pictures show amazing contrast in color, time, and dedication. Watch the story from ABC News, its quite hilarious why and how they covered this car.

 Then there are pranks pulled all the time covering cubicles in post its and office's. This short 1 minute video catches a girl returning back to work and finding her office covered in 7,425 pink post-its. Now that's a lot of post-its! 

Even with the new apps for your Iphone or Android Smart phone, I will always have my post its around. They also keep coming out with new post-its, Super Sticky ones, See thru ones, perforated at the top where the sticky side is, so that you can easily tear off and take the note home. I couldn't live with out my post-it dispenser that provides a home for my wonderful post its. 

Let us know if you would like a sample of the all the new, cool post-ts. I will be happy to share my post-it frenzy with you. Post a picture of post it art or decorations, doesn't have to be as elaborate as these, to our Facebook page and you can receive a gift from Coastal Office Products & Promo. Call or email us or 366-5502.